When we know that whipped cream is super high on calories, how many of us actually try to avoid it? Now that's where elimination diets come in. Most doctors now accept that food intolerances can be the root cause of chronic diseases like arthritis, Crohn's disease, irritable bowel syndrome and hyperactivity. These are only a few of the conditions which are claimed to have responded to elimination diets.
Let's now come to what exactly are Elimination diets? First and foremost, one needs to figure out which food is causing symptoms. Then one simply has to eliminate it from their diet and see how it pans out after two weeks. Honestly, this is quite a tedious approach and sometimes the results are not clear-cut, but trust me, it's the most reliable diagnostic procedure available.
One can simply start out by avoiding snacks that are tinned or deep fried. You can achieve the zenith only by starting out with small steps. Since there are multiple ways in which people respond to the removal of specific foods from their diet, some of us who feel better on starting such a regime, may feel tempted to expand the range of foods that they want to exclude. But unintentionally upsetting the balance of necessary vitamins and minerals can be dangerous. A balanced diet needs to be taken and this should be followed on a long run. All the suspect foods have to be cut out simultaneously for at least a fortnight for any improvements to be observed.
Any restricted diet puts health at a risk and any long-term removal of major foods should be carried out only under professional guidance.
Thus, it is always preferable to consult a doctor or a qualified nutritionist before you begin an Elimination Diet.